Thursday, March 26, 2009

New Magazine - Relevant

Today little man went to play with someone who might rank as his "best friend" - he had his first sleep over this weekend with him. We all survived; but, getting up at 5:45 was a little early for all of us. It was my kiddo that caused all the problems though. So today we went back over to their house (we do most Thursdays). My friend had something to take care of, so I was going to read while the boys played. I had picked up a book that had the original Pinnochio and other old stories that are probably recommended by Charlotte Mason. My hostess came in and asked if I wanted to read something more Relevant. I said that I was okay reading old stories and then she handed me a magazine called Relevant. Well, it gets two thumbs up from me!

I feel badly for my hostess because at first she wasn't around - so I wasn't being rude as I read. But then she returned and I was paying attention to her (I promise)- but also trying to read at the same time. Fortunately, she also received a personal letter so she was reading some of the time as well. The magazine has articles about things you don't often hear about (or a unique perspective on things you probably hear too much about) and it doesn't seem to have a certain political or religious agenda - although it is a Christian magazine.

In an article about the history of postmodernism it sums up how, in general, Christians should respond:

But, now in 2009 we’re sick of hearing about postmodernism already. What if we have no hang-ups about the historical Jesus, we’re not trying to squeeze Genesis into some ill-fitting modernist box, we have no problem finding God in pop-culture, and we’re pretty sure the Holy Spirit is real. What is there left to do? Well, since postmodernity is not the gospel, and Jesus is, it’s time to get on with Jesus business. If I was going to write a book on postmodern ministry, it would look something like this: pray, read the gospels and Acts, get to know Jesus, pray, get to know some guy who doesn’t know Jesus, pray, be nice to that guy, pray, read the gospels again, pray, hang out with that guy, pray for that guy, get to know Jesus better, oh yeah and resist the temptation to use phrases like, “Are you washed in the blood?”
Although a comment was left that some of us need to deal with postmodernism head-on in an intellectual way (ahem - my husband) - most of us really don't. We really need to consider what it means to love our neighbor and trust that God's word is true and will bring "life abundantly " - even in situations that seem impossible. This is especially true in a time when so many things seem upended. But as another friend said this morning - with great change and uncertainty comes great opportunity. This is a time that people are wondering where they should put their faith - as many things that seemed stable are being taken away. I pray that this time challenges us to question where our real faith lies and share our "hope in what is unseen" with others. Relevant talks about the unseen around the world and how our "unseen" God is in the midst- both in Christian circles and other circles (there was an article talking about the millions of lives that Bush helped save in Africa with his initiative against AIDS). So, if you have a chance, check it out.

1 comment:

Robin said...

Isn't it the best magazine? I have subscribed for years and send my used copies to Zach and Serina when I'm finished. I always learn something new! R