This week we ran out of Cokes and Dr. Pepper's. It was planned, but I was not prepared for it. I do have to say that as a birthday present to myself I went to Sonic. Then, as an act of sheer desperation after two nights of little sleep, I went to Sonic again. So, I spent way more than I should have on something that we decided to give up. I am trying to reform - but the headaches are real.
I am currently in the middle of
7 by Jen Hatmaker. It is not as deep as Kreeft's Ethics (I am on lecture 10) or Ideas Have Consequences - but it is a convicting read. It is also fun, in part, because she lives right up the street (read I-35) so I know the territory she calls home. I have been trying to de-junk our lives and simplify for quite a while now. I think I am finally getting to the point where I can really let go of some of this stuff. There are a few things that I have begun to identify that have stopped me from de-junking:
1. The thought that it might be useful someday. Although I haven't really used it in 10 years of marriage - someday that formal china might need to come out. (Wow, I forgot I technically have 3 sets of china - at my parents house - and we didn't register for china!)
2. Not wanting to get rid of things that are in good shape. Well, if you aren't using them isn't that the time to get rid of them - when they would actually be useful to someone else? Really, I don't want to admit that I made a bad purchase or got something that we didn't really need in the first place.
One thing that helps me is a clearer sense of purpose. It helps you to know what to keep and what to pass along (or throw out). Kreeft actually gives a useful way to organize your life (from Aristotle I think - I was driving, not taking notes):
Is it moral? Is it necessary? Does it bring joy?
If it isn't doing these things, why is it in your life?
We are not the trendiest folks. I still wear shirts from college (yes that was 15+ years ago) and my husband wears Hawaiian shirts that were hand-me-downs from a friend's dad who got them at goodwill (I still love you - friend!). Most people we know wonder when we are going to move out of our "starter" home. We have added our third child and our oldest is about to start school - these are the signs to move up - right? However, I don't think this is our "starter" house or "starter" community. I think this is where we are supposed to bloom and grow. People in the 60's somehow raised a family in our house with no problem. Honestly, the main problem is our stuff.
As I was watching the intro sessions for
Visual Latin he says that one reason for studying Latin is because it can give you a new perspective on life. For example, in Latin, "stuff" is impedimente. Appropriate - I think so.
I am trying to detach from all the things that I thought were really important and fix my eyes on what truly matters. It's a little tough sometimes. Hopefully, paring down our impedimente will open up room for new things.