Saturday, December 23, 2006

Long time, no blog

I wish I could say that I have been overwhelmingly busy - but that's not true. I am enjoying being a mother and have been reading and volunteering in my spare time. Some of my reading has been other people's blogs. I have realized that I enjoy catching up with their lives and learning from the things they've done. So, I have decided to keep up with my blog a little more.

Recently I have been reflecting on my "guidelines" of parenting from before I started parenting. One of them was to begin as you mean to go. Well, I have already learned a little about the wisdom of that one and the dangers of not being thoughtful beforehand. We were letting our little one take naps in a bouncer - which is really convenient and he liked it. However, I realized that he would one day outgrow the bouncer and would need to sleep in his crib. Well, lets just say that the transition involved quite a bit of crying and very little sleeping. I tried to use the "pat and shush" method from the Baby Whisperer - it means you stay with them while they cry until they fall asleep. Well I can't shush for 45 minutes straight. We burned out one blow dryer for the white noise our son liked, so we decided to use radio static instead. It is a much better option (for example it doesn't spark), cheaper than a white noise maker and can be found almost anywhere (even in the car!). I do have to say our little one is persistent and does try to resist sleep - but he does sleep in his crib now.

I guess that's enough for now. I have lots of other thoughts, but I guess that's why people normally write small amounts frequently. I am going to work on that!


Unknown said...

Welcome back! I am glad Aaron likes his crib now. Like son, like mother! You were just a little older but had the some of the same sleeping issues!!!

Anonymous said...

Must run in the family, the Jacobson side anyway.