Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Today as I read about the role of reflection in teacher education it highlighted a difference between my understanding of wisdom and knowledge and the education systems take on this subject. I have to say I am not as adept as my husband in sniffing out the philosophical implications of a belief system - but today this little bit of information hit even me over the head.
The article discusses different theories on reflection and depth of reflection. As it summarizes them it says "
Third, the higher a persons’ reflective thinking develops the more he/she starts to realize the subjectivity of knowledge, the relativity of truth, the multiplicity of sources of knowledge and the importance of context in determining meaning." (Baker El Dib, 2006, bolding mine) Basically, the point is that the more reflective thinker is open to the swaying wind of ideas and the mulitple frameworks of the world. I think that many people do see this as the hallmark of an educated person. However, I have to disagree. I think that while a well educated person knows about these different things, in the end they are grounded in something, somewhere. As the old saying goes "Don't be so open minded that your brains fall out!"
Often the goal of the educational establishment is not to anchor students in truth or provide them with a good foundation of knowledge but instead to introduce them to all of life's possiblities. Often these days people talk about critical thinking, higher order thinking, etc. Which I am in favor of to a large extent.
However, in the end you must have something TO THINK ABOUT and a STANDARD to compare things to (or else how can you be critical). The relfective practice above does not create a standard - it invites you to create your own in some ways. In fact, you might be thought less intelligent if you CHOSE to hold onto a traditional standard. So once again the prevailing view of an educated mind seems to fly in the face of true education. I never thought I'd be a "back to basics" kind of gal - but I think it is growing on me.

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