Wednesday, December 05, 2007

My son - the cleaner

Well I have been enjoying time on the Internet while my son slowly explores all the "safe" areas of the kitchen. He's been at it for about 45 minutes now. It is messy but he is having a good time. My favorite part is when he takes the dishrags and wipes things down. He's been doing this often recently and it is just TOO cute. He isn't really cleaning - but he's trying. Actually Montessori does have a way to teach cleaning so I guess I should pull out that information and teach him how to do it - he would love it.

He still refuses to walk. He is still a little unsteady but he really could probably do it if he tried. He "accidentally" takes a few steps every once in while between chairs or other close objects. He is also getting better at signing. Although I think he thinks the sign for "more" means "food". I get the point. He certainly knows the signs for bath and milk - two of life's greatest pleasures in his estimation. It is almost bed time so we will need to wrap up this playing session. He sure has had a good time though!

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