Sunday, August 10, 2008

Cute Moments

I can't believe it has been a month since my last blog. Mostly because there has been a lot going on - but not too much to stop me from blogging. Before I launch into my most recent tirades - I will share a story about my very cute (almost 2 year old) son.

On Thursday I captured the little tyke teaching his stuffed dog. He was using all the words he knows and showing the dog all about them. He was reading the dog a book, blowing the dogs nose, putting the dog to bed and he wanted to feed the dog too. He also showed the dog his train and his cars. To show him these things my son would take the dogs paw and put them on the train or car and say the word. My favorite though was when he disappeared for a minute. When he re-appeared he told me bath and took me back to the bath tub. Sure enough, the dog was in the bath tub ready to get clean. I convinced little guy that his stuffed animal really didn't need a bath. This weekend we had the dog with us when we went to visit an old friend. I told my son to knock and he took his dogs paw and tried to knock on the door - it was pretty cute!

It is moments like these that I'm so glad there is no reason to miss them. At other times (like when he's throwing a fit about putting his clothes on) I really get frustrated. It is really fun to see him learning so much.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing some of his cute moments! And very glad that you get to witness them yourself. Tough stuff being a SAHM!!!

I can't wait to hear what your tirade is going to be about though!!!