Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Great Literacy Info

For all you moms out there (or grandmas) who are wondering how to make the most of your time at home and help your little one to enjoy reading I found a great site. It's probably a little more academic than most sites (it is out of the University of Florida) but it has great information on it. It looks like they have really done their research and condensed it down into a usable format. My two favorite pages are:

1) Inexpensive Literacy Materials and Activities - that says it all and they are easy to do too!
2) Characteristics of Children's Writing - this handout tells you about the developmental stages that children pass through in their writing. It's pretty nifty.

Another interesting piece that I found in my search is about transitioning into kindergarten. I realize it is May, but I want to post it before I lose it. This site has lots of information for parents about the BIG step. I think my favorite page is the 80 items that can help ease your little one (not so little anymore) into kindergarten. It's not a screen or skills test - but it gives you an idea of the types of things they should be able to do. So those are my educational finds for today.

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