Thursday, May 17, 2007

It's been a while

Well I think I have succumb to a little bit of temporary insanity. I will be helping to run a summer camp program for a non profit affiliated with my church. I am looking forward to it but it will be lots of work! It already has me pretty busy. I do have to sing the praises of the city because it will allow my husband to be home in the mornings so I can work and then we will switch. It might be a little tough because my hubbie and I won't spend a lot of time together - but it's a short term thing.

In another news my little one has figured out how to push himself up to sit on his own. Today he did this right near our radio and he attempted to push the buttons - so we'll be moving stuff around again soon. He is getting closer to crawling but he's not there yet. So I'll continue to keep you updated about the excitement of summer camp.

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