Saturday, May 19, 2007

Too much celebration

We are a blessed family. We have been able to stay in contact with many friends and celebrate life's milestones together. Today we were invited to a housewarming, a graduation brunch, a graduation ceremony, a baby shower, a one year old birthday party and a wedding. We made it to the graduation brunch and the wedding. I love that we get to celebrate real life with people -but often I find myself analyzing life instead of enjoying my friends. So, I am trying to step back from that role and just enjoy the good things God has given us.

The graduation brunch was for the students that I was "mom" to at the boarding program. They all make me proud - I was almost in tears as I left. They are really good kids and they are off to great things. I hope that they all realize just how incredible they are to move to another country, learn a new language, live in dorms and somehow make it through high school.

The wedding was also awesome. I thought our wedding season had passed (some of you may remember we went to 7 weddings in 8 weeks one fall - well we will attend 3 in 6 weeks this sprping.) It was outdoors with a BBQ following - very Texas. I love weddings that are an expression of the couple this one had their name all over it. For the first time ever I saw the couple share private vows (in addition to the ones we normally take in marriage). It was really cool - you couldn't hear what they were saying (it's private) but you could see their love for each other. The other cool thing was that the pastor went through 1 Corinthians 13- the love chapter- talking about how we as their friends and family could show love by being patient, kind, forgetting wrongs, etc. He had us consider what we were saying when we commit to support the couple. It was very cool.

So today we celebrated. I am very sorry that I missed the housewarming, birthday party and baby shower - just not enough time. Please know that I am celebrating with all of you!

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