Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Displaying Learning

Yesterday one of my listserve's pointed me to a new concept for me- the lapbook. Basically these are folders that students create (with visuals, small books, drawings, etc.) that demonstrate what they have learned about a topic. I found another site that calls this Scrapbooking for school - which is really what it is. I even found a place that talked about creating digital lapbooks. I really like the concept because it develops a record of what the child has learned and what they got from it and pieces can be put together over time and then organized for a"final product". I think the digital one is probably a good idea for older students (plus it teaches them useful computer skills). I am resising the urge to join the listseve about lapbooks - I already spend enough time reading listserve messages. If I end up homeschooling - I definitely think this is one "product" we will develop. If you think books just have to be square - think again! The Big Book of Books has all types of different shapes, sizes and ideas about making books interesting.

Also, I found an idea called the "mini office". I am not totally sure why they call it that but it's a good idea. As one site says it is an extension of the lapbook and is basically a reference for students. So students or teachers can develop a folder that keeps the most important information about a topic handy - whether math or blends in English or whatever else. This is just an easy way to organize them. Instead of always looking for that one sheet of paper - this puts it in an easy place to access and keep it looking nice.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When I waw little and learning to read and write my mom used to cut out books in different shapes. Some would be a relflection of what my story was about, one story I wrote about a broom so the book is the shape of a broom. For my first graders I used to make pumpkin, ghost and black cat shaped books for writing around Halloween. They loved them and the books really seemed to inspire them.