Friday, February 29, 2008

Orderly Stage

Well this weekend we did a little R&R - no not rest and relaxation - reclaiming and repurposing - rooms, plastic bins, tables, etc. The results are really nice. Thanks especially to my parents who helped make it possible.

Our attempts to get orderly coincide with my sons attempts to be orderly - which is convenient. Montessori calls the age and stage he is in the orderly stage. It is the truth. He will be sitting down, eating contently and if we leave the silverware drawer open while we are cooking - he is up pushing in the drawer. Yesterday, another child had moved the lid on the trash can. Little man took it upon himself to remove the bag, the liner and begin to take the trash out. He was half way across the kitchen before I got to him. Fortuantely he did it neatly and there wasn't much trash in the bag. He was pretty upset when I stopped his mission. He loves putting his plate away after he eats and finding trash to put in the trash can. Hopefully, some of his "put it back where you found it" will rub off on his parents.

Now I just need to get the cleaning supplies his size and use the Montessori lessons to teach him how to really clean! (Right now he is wiping down a table with his kleenex- even getting the legs!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Melaleuca has some products that clean and are safe for him to use, not all but some wipes and other things. Check out there website,

I hope more rubs off on his parents than it did on us when our girls went through this stage. Enjoy it and make the best of it. Meghan is now in the 'I am going to leave everything where ever I happen to drop/set it.' Next he'll love to put things in to bags, boxes or anything he can use to carry stuff around. One day Tabitha took all the magnets, including all the letters, off the fridge and put them in a bag.

Good luck with the gardening! We thought we were lucky to have sunshine and 60 degree weather. We are again enjoying the neighborhood park and seeing friends we haven't seen all winter.