Friday, August 10, 2007

Is summer over??

Well all, it has been a LOOOOOOOONG time. I took on way too much this summer - two grad courses about gifted and talented education and running a summer camp (technically open 6:30 - 6:00 every weekday). I have almost survived it - summer camp ends this week and I think I ended up getting A's in both of my classes. I also learned a fair amount from the classes too - which is more important when you are basically taking classes for enrichment purposes. Maybe at some point I'll distill some of what I have learned over the summer. NEVER AGAIN would be the main message - but there are more.

If nothing else this summer has been good because my husband and A have been able to spend mornings together. They have bonded a lot. A is now crawling really fast and trying to reach up and grab everything. He is super tall for his age so basically every table is fair game as far as he is concerned. This is a problem because mommy and daddy are pack rats - and not very neat ones at that. Ah well.

A turns 11 months tomorrow. So, we are getting ready for his big birthday party. I didn't expect to do the whole birthday bash - but now I am getting excited about it. So, it will probably be more of a party than I originally intended. Most of my activities are aimed at my friends children who are 2+. A will be happy playing with his cabinet of old cool whip containers and will probably not care very much about the party except that lots of his friends will be here. We just love to have parties - so it will be fun.

I'll share more about the craziness as I decompress. I only got 4 hours of sleep last night so I need to hit the sack now.

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