Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I'm back . . .

Probably only you with RSS feeds (mom) will actually read this message because it's been so long since I've written. It was a busy spring but now it is done - Grad school, preschool coop and my consulting job. So what to do with the summer? I am trying not to overcommit myself but I think I should set some goals. So here are a few things I hope to accomplish this summer (if you know me - these are pretty modest goals):

1. IF we homeschool (and even if we don't) I think we'd probably like to follow a great books type of reading list in our home (Mortimer J. Adler How to Read a Book). They have a whole curriculum called "Junior Great Books" too. As I look through the list though - I realized that I know about these books but haven't actually read that many of them. So, no time like the present to start. I haven't determined which ones to read/ listen to on tape but I will do that soon.

2. Obviously, young one will not be reading Plato anytime soon, so I'd like to do something more immediate. Both Montessori and Charlotte Mason (CM) (although VERY different in their approaches to education) take the interesting stance that there shouldn't be too many books in a child's life. First, they both think children should be experiencing life instead of just reading about it. Secondly, they believe in the power of a told story (okay CM does). Finally, (again this is CM) she believes in only exposing children to really high quality literature and doesn't believe in twaddle (I have probably talked about this before).
Well, I don't have very many stories to tell. So this summer I think I am going to work on learning a few good stories to tell. There are a few resources out there with stories that might be good to share. So if anyone has suggestions on learning about storytelling I am open to them.

3. As we learn more about reading I realize I know NOTHING about phonics (long vowel/ short vowel - what's that?). I did get the Spell to Write and Read program and starting this summer I think I am going to try and construct the spelling lists that the students doing the program create. This is highly recommmended by all those who "teach" the program. At the outset I think this program is probably too structured for me to use as is - but I am hoping it can teach me a lot that I can use my knowledge no matter what happens.

4. Again, trying to do something more immediate, my goal is to get us out into nature on a regular basis (CM recommends 4 to 6 hours a day - we will be aiming for about 3). So I plan to frequent the parks in our area - little man LOVES to swing. Also, I hope to try some new art and other activities at home. I plan to use The Toddler Busy Book and Young at Art to get some good ideas going. Busy is a very good word to describe my little guy. I will also try to integrate more of the practical life ideas from Montessori into our home (sometimes he can hardly eat he is so taken with trying to clean up his crumbs - anyway).

I will also be working on some quilts, maybe continue to develop my crocheting ability and planning for a major fundraiser in September. I also hope to help out the 5 moms I know that are due between now and July 4th! Yesterday our nephew was born and hopefully we can spend some good time with them! Last summer I was overwhelmed by an outside commitment - this summer I hope to really focus my attention on my family and developing memories.

There is so much to say when you haven't written for months but I'll cut it short now.


Unknown said...

She's back! And I was shocked but pleasantly surprised!!!

You would be surprised which of your cousins was just asking me why you hadn't blogged in awhile! I don't know that she has an RSS reader but she knew! As to RSS readers ... Rob surely tracks fam blog postings via RSS as well. Can't forget him!!!

Anonymous said...

Glad your back! I check regularly to see if you are back. At our house we have more books than toys! Being in/with nature can also be a walk around the block or a visit to the back yard to see what lives there or is passing through. Tabitha is at the picking every flower in the yard stage and her sister is helping her so we are working only picking a few flowers everyday. THey also helped me plant some flowers and pumpkins this spring and now they get to help water them.

We love the park and can easily spend an hour or more everyday at the park. My play group meets at different parks around town one day a week through the summer. It's a fun way to get to know different parks.

When looking at reading don't forget the whole idea is tell somebody something. I think we get so wrapped up in the mechanics we often forget the purpose behind writing and reading. At this young age hearing stories, whether read or told is the important part. Being able to relate the story to another story or to life is also an important skill, yes phonics is important but it isn't the only part of learning to read or for teaching reading. I don't beleive I need to remind you to enjoy the stories and books. I do agree with quality books as much for those of us reading them as for the listner. THere are so many good books out there these days. Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Welcome back and congratulations to the parents of your new nephew!

Ski's comments are always so interesting. I enjoy them, too.:)

Toddler Busy Book is one of our favorites. F calls it the stop sign for some reason...who knows?