Thursday, July 03, 2008

Baby Explosion

There are lots of new little ones out there. Two little ones just turned a month old (including the one I mentioned visiting in the last post). One little girl was born last week, a little boy this week and hopefully in the next couple days another friend will have her little one. So, there are babies everywhere.

I have to say my little guy did very well with the baby at the house we visited. He was always wondering where the baby was and responded when the baby cried (he doesn't talk yet but he would look around concerned and start pointing). He did come close to actually saying baby a few times. Since we've been home he found his doll and has started trying to care for it a little bit. That's more than he's ever done before.

Blessings to all the mothers - as they welcome the second or third child into their hearts and homes!

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