Friday, January 18, 2008

Good Toddler Books

One of my friends recently commented that it is difficult to pick out good children's books - there are just so many. Today I learned that there is an organization that picks good books for toddlers. They have for about 8 years (so about 80 books). As I looked through the list I found the one book that little man has pretty much torn to shreds - Babies. I am not really sure how he's done it - but he has loved that book to death. I presonally also recommend everything written by Sandra Boynton. A friend of ours mentioned us to her when little man was very young and we TOTALLY love her books -they cover basic concepts in fun ways.
You can always look for books with the Caldecott or Newberry award as well. If you are in Texas you can look for the Bluebonnet award - but that's typically for older children. If you remember the movie 3 men and a baby (one of the "dads" reads from Sports Illustrated) - when they are really little it isn't so important what you read as that you read.


Anonymous said...

We also love Sandra Boynton books. The other author they like although for pre-schoolers more is Robert Munsch. Then there's the classic "Goodnight Moon" and Eric Carle books (Brown Bear, Brown Bear What do you See? and Have you Seen My Cat? are two favorites here). Tabitha likes Going on a Bear Hunt and The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry and the Big Hungry Bear. So many good books! It is fun to rediscover old favorites.

Anonymous said...

Another good one is Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, both girls love this one and it's helped them both learn the alphabet.