Monday, January 07, 2008

Potty Learning . . . pre training

Potty learning is the PC term for what people have called potty training forever - it's a granola type phrase that emphasize that this a a skill that is learned just like anything else the child does. Well today I decided to break out the new little potty we got for little man. Although it is VERY early - I am an advocate for introducing the idea early. He was obviously trying to go to the bathroom and I decided why not make the most of the moment. I don't expect him to be potty trained any time soon but today's results were less than thrilling.
He was very interested in the potty and he immediately took out the "bowl" of the potty. (This could make the process MUCH messier in the future). He then dragged the potty from the bathroom to the kitchen and proceeded to try and use it as a step stool to get into the pantry cabinet. His foot kept going through the hole where the "bowl" was supposed to be so it didn't really give him much leverage. Basically he ended up standing in the potty. The version we have is designed to be used as a step stool if you configure it correctly - so he was on to something. So after snapping a few pictures I had to return the potty to the bathroom and got him what he wanted out of the pantry. This might be a longer process than I expected!


Anonymous said...

We're working on this, too. My cousin used M&Ms as a reward; my little guy prefers marshmallows or Cheerios. He's pretty good at sitting but he always wants to watch what's going on...needless to say, that can get messy, too. :)

Anonymous said...

Meghan sat on the potty fully clothed for couple of months, around 18 months old. I have heard of kids using the bowl part for a hat when first introduced to the potty. NOt something you want later on but for a new potty, not so bad. Both Meghan and Tabitha would sit on the potty, with out clotes, for and do nothing but would say that they had. I used stickers with Meghan. She would wear panties all day at daycare but insisted on a diaper here at home so we gave her a Smartie if she wore panties at home. I only had to do this for a few days and she got the idea. It was only after her freinds moved up to pre-school at the daycare that she would poop in the potty instead of a diaper. Once she decided to use the potty for everything she was completely "potty trained" nights too in less than two months. She hated to have an accident. Tabitha well, she interest in the potty comes and goes. We are really starting to work with her. She was using the potty every night before bed and then for about 6 weeks wanted nothing and I mean nothing to do with the potty and now she is using it again before bed. Follow A's lead with his interest and let him explore the potty and all that it can/can't do. Watch the step stool part though, not sure how much you want him into or on. Good luck.