Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Lessons learned

This is the last week of summer camp - an 11 week ordeal. I have learned MANY lessons about myself in the midst of this craziness. If you know me you might think - duh - as I share these lessons, but help me remember them in the future.

1. I love to start things; I'm not so great at finishing. I started multiple projects with the kids with great intentions, high hopes and somewhat of a plan. However, I wasn't always as good with the follow through. This surprised me because I've always thought of myself as a fairly disciplined person. In some ways I "lose interest" or something new comes along. Now that I am a mother I need to be more prepared to follow through and finish what I start.

2. I am not a good rule follower and therefore NEVER want to run a licensed child care center. In high school if you asked me what I wanted to be I would almost always answer a preschool/kindergarten teacher. Actually, I wanted to run my own center. I have even taken quite a few courses to support this interest. Today's events drove home the point that I would be a TERRIBLE center director because I really can't follow the rules. I am saddened because this issue caused other people trouble today - which was not my intent.

3. In order for my singing to be "appreciated" the audience must be under 7. At least once this summer I had to stop in the middle of a song because literally I was hurting my own ears. The kids thanked me (partly I was losing my voice too). So, I was not really intended to sing anything beyond fun camp songs. The younger the audience the better - they are less discerning about those things.

4. I like working with "smart" kids. I realized that most of the jobs that I have had have been with kids that would be considered gifted and talented. I don't intend to be elitist but I realize that I enjoy working with kids who are budding nerds. Who really enjoy learning and are hungry for it. I am not so good at coaxing kids into learning. So, it is my goal to complete the 4 courses in gifted and talented education and see where that leads me.

5. I have a LOT to learn about management. I am too trusting of people, expect them to have good motives at all times and to care as much as I do. Well, they don't. I also do not like to break the tough news, make the hard decision or do other things that are "management" activities. So, I can plan things very well, but carrying them through is much more stressful because I am not good at directing other people therefore I do it all myself. Again, I have often thought of myself as a leader - but maybe I am not as much of one as I had hoped.

This summer reaffirmed my decision not to be a classroom teacher. It taught me that I do not have what it takes to run a child care or full time preschool program. It has bolstered my opinion that I am cut out to do something that doesn't really exist out there - run great enrichment programs. What that means I don't know - but I intend to continue praying (and trying not to scheme too much) to learn more about this.


Unknown said...

As to being a good rules follower ... you are a tremendous rules follower ... especially when it comes to the Golden Rule. However, what you don't like to deal with is called RED TAPE! Some people are more easily able to handle the red tape associated with running organizations. Apparently you have discovered that you have no patience when dealing with red tape which, I believe, is totally in character.

Quite a summer for you guys! Always good to figure out how we are wired!!!

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear of someone else who won't sing for anyone over the age of 7! Many people assume that because I teach/taught kindergarten and first grade that I am a great singer, no way. Love CD's!

Have you heard of Leanna Traill out of New Zealand? She is awsome in giving workshops on literacy learning. I am taking a week long workshop this week and learning lots of good stuff about teaching language (oral, writing and reading). She has a website, not sure of the name but if you Google Leanna Traill and literacy learning you should find it. You might end up doing something like she does or start your own enrichment program for your local districts. So many programs have been cut with the budget issues that I am sure there is something you could find to do. Good luck with this, it is exciting. I would love to hear about any ideas you might have.

Unknown said...

Ski ... you are awesome! You always have good ideas!!! Thanks for sharing.