Monday, August 20, 2007

Whirlwind Tour

We just returned from a 700+ mile trip with stops to see friends and family. Our primary goal was to attend a wedding (which we made it to just in the nick of time). During our three day trip we attended three church services in three different cities, met a new baby, met a new boyfriend, saw the grandparents and great grandparents and drove all over DFW. (I slept - my husband drove.) A was a trooper (although the first night was sort of rough). He did make it through all of the services without too much complaint and spent a lot of time in the car contemplating deep thoughts. We were trying to encourage this as my husband selected Famous Romans and a biography of Isaac Newton to be our books on tape. Newton was quite an interesting character. The lecturer for the Romans tape was a great storyteller and I actually enjoyed military history. My husband wonders how I could have been a history major and never had an interest in the military - oh well.

So now it's sort of back to normal life. I did register for a fall class on running gifted and talented programs today. I am prepping for A's first birthday and a fundraiser event. Additionally, my friends and I are considering starting a co-op preschool. So we'll see how all of this fits together. I also intend to start cloth diapering again - which I am looking forward to in a sort of strange way. So, back to being somewhat domestic. We'll see what happens next.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What's a co-op preschool?