Thursday, September 20, 2007

Sleeping update

When we returned to the doctor for little man's shots we discovered that he had a mild ear infection - so that could be the cause of all his crankiness in the middle of the night. It seemed like something more than usual. Yet again - somehow I picked the one week that he's sick since he's born to try and do something new. I have moved his yogurt meal to the evening and I am now just doing what the Baby Whisperer calls a "dream feed" around 10:30 pm or so. I still am not sure if it is working - he slept until 5:30 yesterday and was up for the morning. This morning he did his "normal" wake up around 3:45 or so - but he did go back to sleep. Who knew this would get so complicated?

My whole life does not revolve around sleep (okay, well, it almost does). We are getting things ready for the co-op. That's actually my goal for the next few days (and has been for the past few days) to figure out what lessons and materials we will start with and go from there. There are soooo many! We plan to start in less than 2 weeks.

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