Friday, April 20, 2007

Another symptom of the curse . . .

Although this symptom isn't mentioned in the Heaths' book, I think it crops up in my life. Those who have "the curse" in a particular area can't imagine why someone wouldn't be eager to read and learn more about their particular passion. However, it was recently brought to my attention (again) that most of the world does not have an insatiable need (or time) to learn and read. Therefore, as I write, I must remind myself that writing should be easily accessible to those who *gasp* don't enjoy reading. Most readers are not interested in the liberal arts, general enrichment approach to reading; they are interested in "What's in it for them". A good writer keeps the audience in mind; however, I am a selfish writer and write in a style that suits me - the minority. So to temper "the curse" I need to look beyond my abnormal obsession with knowledge and try to act like a normal person. This may be harder than it sounds.


Unknown said...

As far as readers of your blog ... hey ... it is YOUR blog! Write whatever you want and the readers can choose whether or not they care to read it. Interesting thoughts though ... and very perceptive ... again ...

Anonymous said...

I enjoy YOUR blog and "hearing" your thoughts. Don't change to please the readers like flogger said they can choose to read it or not. With two little ones and working part time I don't have the time I used to read and it's hard. When I have spare time I love to read. My girls farovite things are their baby dolls and books. :) We can't leave a toy store (or a book store) with out buying at least one book and books are what they want to buy. Yeah! Get ready to be over run with books-the small plastic storage containers work well for holding the kid's books.