Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Today's Firsts

Drinking from a cup - Today we tried our sippy (again) and a regular cup that's sized for my little one. He did much better with the cup his size. I even gave him a little apple juice for the first time. I think he liked the taste of it - but he's not really swallowing very much - mostly he spit it out. He did manage to blow a few bubbles in his glass.

To the Alamo - We also went with a few of our friends to the Alamo today. Actually, to the grounds of the Alamo - we didn't go inside. It was a gorgeous day (83 degrees) after a really horrible rain storm last night (possibly 10 - 12 inches in some areas!). This week we are in the midst of Fiesta - the week when San Antonio throws itself a party. Today there was an art show of sorts down at the Alamo. It was a great day to be outside and enjoy the weather.

Laid down in the tub - Today he did this on his own. He normally is supported by my arm - but he sort of got himself down there before I could get to him and he seemed fine. In fact, when I tried to sit him upright to play - he protested. My only concern is water in his ears - any thoughts? Obviously we don't put very much water in tub since he's so young.

So these are the little firsts (or at least next steps) for the little guy. I do think he is coming close to crawling soon. Then everything changes!


Unknown said...

What about getting that pool float like you mentioned to me. I saw one in a Walmart store and it cost less than $5. IF he would keep his head on it, it would keep his "head above water" ... so to speak!

Anonymous said...

How fun, all the new adventures. Don't worry about getting water in his ears, if he does get a little it will drain out when he sits up. If he does have a problem with water in his ears, place a little cotton from a cotton ball gently in his ear and if he'll leave it alone leave it in for a bit.

Just a side note, Meghan's dentist says that apple juice is the worst thing for kids teeth.