Friday, January 12, 2007

Doggy Inspiration

Normally stories about dogs in our area are pretty sad. We have quite a few stray dogs that wander around. However, recently I saw two encouraging dog incidents as I drove around.

The first incident bucks the stereotype of dog vs. mailman. As I was driving around last week I saw a group of dogs (about five or six) that were in a backyard behind a chainlink fence. They were all very excited about something and pawing over each other to get up the side of the fence. Then I realized that they were greeting the mailman! It looked like the mailman had something for them (who knows what it was - but they obviously wanted it). So, it looks like there may be peace on earth after all! If the mailcarrier and the dog can find peace maybe the rest of us can too.

Yesterday as I was driving down a major thoroughfare I saw a man walking his small dog. Nothing too unusual about that. However, as I looked closer I realized that this little guy was missing his front right leg. He had a leash on like any other dog and you could barely tell that he was missing his leg. He was just enjoying his walk. It's amazing what can be compensated for if we are willing to try and overcome.

So, I normally do not pay much attention to the pet world (because I'm allergic to most of it) but I thought these two incidents were worth mentioning. Who knows what you'll see on the side of the road today!

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