Saturday, January 20, 2007

I digress . . .

for a moment to provide a bit of background. At one point I was part of a small group in our church called "Mars Hill". This small group would listen to a tape produced by Mars Hill Audio about cultural and social issues and then we'd gather to discuss what we'd heard about every month or two. The discussions were lively and thought provoking and I was one of the few women that actually enjoyed this kind of banter. Anyway, time passed and the group has now moved on to other things. I do miss talking with others about these issues and thinking critically about them so I guess this blog, in some ways, fills some of that thoughtful void. At times I might reference ideas or thoughts that I learned or was challenged by in this group.

Another point I'd like to make is that I am a verbal processor. My mom used to listen to me forever as I would talk/think through ideas. So, in some ways, this blog also serves as a place to "verbally" process. I enjoy the feedback I've been receiving and hope to hear more of your thoughts and ideas. So, I wouldn't say that anything I write is my "final word" on a subject. More likely it's the thought of the moment that I'm developing.

On a totally different note my little one rolled over (front to back) for the first time this morning. I think we were both kind of surprised when he did it - there wasn't a lot of effort involved it just sort of happened. I think it was kind of an accident but we'll see.

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