Sunday, January 28, 2007

A's "tipping point"

Well today my little one did it. He got himself past the tipping point and rolled over from his back to his front. I was encouraging him to get his bear and he was working really hard to get near it. He was getting onto his side and tucking his arm in (this is a new step). But at that point he would lose his balance and tip back over on to his back. At one point I congratulated him with a kiss for getting so close. He promptly spit up and tooted at almost the exact same time. Anyway, I decided to see if it was easier for him to try it on the other side. He proceeded to roll over - he barely even stopped at his normal tipping point. This is not a mistake (like last time might have been) - this was a plan of attack that worked. I tried to see if he'd do it again - but he wasn't too interested. He also got frustrated once he was on his tummy - I'm not sure he wants to let go and "fall" over again.

In another news, today is the first day for him to really try his cloth diapers. I finally got it together enough to make the inserts for the diapers my mom had made. So far they seem to be working really well. We haven't had any messy diapers yet - just wet ones. So we'll see how that goes. Right now we are just wearing them at home. Once we have more and I feel more comfortable we might wear them out and about.

So that's the news from here. I was beginning to wonder if he would just scooch in circles his whole life.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yahoo! Our grandson is growing up! Can't wait to see him again at which point he just might be rolling all over the place like his mother used to do!!!