Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Pet Theory #1

After trying to organize my house I am reminded of one of my personal pet theories. Now that my living space is a little more organized I am moving back into the world of organizing ideas - which is what I much prefer to do. Actually, my roommate in college and I were a winning combination. People came to us to help them with their papers. I would sit and help them think through the ideas and what they were really trying to argue and my roommate was a great editor (still is - she gets paid for it!). So we helped many a person improve their writing - but I digress (she never did help me improve my grammar - but that's because I'm set in my poor grammar ways - like run on sentences).

I believe that people excel or at least prefer one of these three areas of organization: things, people or ideas. Those who are good at organizing things are interior designers, people who actually have a place and put everything in its place, etc. Others are really excellent at organizing people and getting a team together to accomplish a goal. Finally, there are those who like to organize ideas and work through arguments, etc. Again, we can all do these things - but normally we prefer one of these areas over the others. I actually used this as a question in an interview process that I did once and it was interesting to hear people's responses.

To be quite honest, I normally have a friend that comes in to help me organize my space (thanks Colleen and Sarah) but now that they have married and moved out of town - I don't have anyone to help me with that dirty work anymore. So my husband and I did it together - we are both more idea organizers that anything else - so you can imagine the results are not up to par for people who are truly "thing" organizers.

So what about you - are you a things, people or idea organizer?


Unknown said...

You know ... I have no clue! What do you think?

Anonymous said...

I am not sure however I know I am not a good things organizer, perhaps ideas. I haven't seen you since you were around 8 years old however reading your blog I feel I am getting to know you. I wish we lived closer. Ah, well if you ever want to visit the Pacific Northwest you and your family are welcome.


Anonymous said...

Your roommate never fixed your grammar 'cause it didn't need fixing! :)

Anonymous said...

Between us, we covered all three!! You were/are the people and idea organizer and I had more than enough drive to organize "things". Luv to read your thots and ideas. HLJ