Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Banging your head against the wall . . .

or the chest, the chair or the mirror. Now that our son has decided that rolling is a pretty fun activity he has a tendency to roll to a corner or big piece of furniture and get stuck. I haven't really noticed if he rolls only to one side - but he'll get right up next to something and keep trying to roll into it. Sorry, but the TV cabinet is not going to move! As I watched him get really frustrated (he especially is confused when he rolls into the mirror - as you can imagine) I realized that I do a similar thing. I will "roll" myself into a corner and then start complaining when I have to go a different direction than I expected. When a wall is put up or my path is blocked - it's much more fun to just whine then go another way.

My son isn't shy in asking for help when he gets into these situations - he lets you know when he's stuck pretty much immediately. Most of the time I come and help him out (I am still trying to figure out the balance between letting him learn and me helping him). I am not so wise. Sometimes I just sit there banging my head like it's a fun activity. When I do start to whine - I normally choose people who can do nothing about it - instead of asking the One who can really set me on a better course. So hopefully my son will learn that some pieces of furniture will not give way to his will and maybe his mom will learn that sometimes life doesn't just give way either. On occasion, we are the ones who have to change - who have to stop, turn around and find another way.

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