Monday, February 26, 2007

Good Start

Well we decided that today was a good day to start solid foods. I decided to use breastmilk instead of water to make it more "normal" for him. In fact, after reading the directions (about a bazillion times) I decided to use half as much cereal as they say to use - in case he didn't like it. Well then I added too much milk to it. So basically I was feeding him breastmilk with a little bit of cereal on a spoon.

I have to say that he did like it. I did use his high chair because he can sit up in it pretty well. Unfortunately I do not have any "before" pictures because, of course, the camera's batteries were dead. Plus I am not sure how I could have documented the event and fed him at the same time. Maybe when dad is home he can help document a feeding. He opened his mouth well and barely spit anything out. A few times he actually helped me guide the spoon too his mouth. At one point he comandeered the spoon and decided to try it out for himself. Well, he stuck it in a little too far and started gagging a little bit. He promptly returned the spoon to me. Overall I think it went very well.

I am trying to follow the advice given in Super Baby Food by Ruth Yaron. Almost everyone I know uses this book as their guide. Soon I will be making sweet potato and avocado squares for him. But you have to wait at least four days before you introduce a new food. So, maybe we'll start those items next week.

After the snack I tried to give him some more water from his sippy cup. I don't know how much he actually drank - but he did try to use it properly (for the most part). When he finally acted like he was done I took him out of his seat and he was very happy. He acted like he ate from a spoon everyday. I am really glad that he liked it so much (so far) because I was afraid he would reject the spoon like he rejects just about everything else that actually has some value when you suck on it.


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Hey ... does this mean Dad can start feeding Aaron milk with a spoon now?!? That would be great! Maybe a little slow on the uptake but ...

Anonymous said...

A good way to cook the sweet patatos is to wash them, rub with olive oil, wrap in foil and bake. We usually bake for an hour to an hour and a half. Peel off the skin and mash with a fork (once he's a little older) and put servings onto a piece of press-n-seal. Cover with anther sheet and press to seal, cut a part and place in the freezer. I've found that this works in place of ice cube trays and fits in my freezer better. I can just take out a packet and pop it in the microwave.

FYI-my pediatrician said the latest suggests starting with veggies and not cereal, due to all the wheat/gluten allergies. She also said to wait on oatmeal and barley until 1 year old or older.

Rob said...

For Kade we were hyper sensitive and followed all the books...even made his food instead of jarring it. For Payton it is a free for all. Basically the only rule we follow is to still introduce a new food at lunch so if they have a reaction it is not while everyone is sleeping for the night. Haven't made any puree food for her...we pretty much just moved straight to small pieces...she likes that mucho bettero.