Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Preschool Pandamonium

Yesterday I heard two different stories of mom's trying to get their children into preschool for the fall. Yes, registration is in February for fall classes. One family was successful because they started standing in line THE NIGHT BEFORE to make sure their child was registered. The other family thought it safe to be there two hours before registration began (at 6 am). At 6:30 am the school rolled out the breakfast bar for those who were waiting in line. This friend was not so fortunate - they are number 11 on a waiting list for a class of 12 children!

I did not expect preschool pressure and pandamonium among my friends. My friends aren't looking for the academic prestige, they want some place safe and child friendly to help expand their children's experiences. However, it doesn't seem that the true preschool exists much anymore, at least not here. Most "schools" are full day (6:30 am - 6:30 pm) and intended for parents who work. These types of centers are crucial but they are ignoring the growing market of college degreed stay at home moms who want their children to attend preschool a few days a week at an affordable price. Often these moms (or dads) have made financial sacrifices to be at home so they can't pay a whole lot for preschool. At the same time they understand the value of social and enriching experiences for their 3, 4 and 5 year olds. There are very few schools that will allow a child to come to "school" 2 or 3 days a week for a half day. However, this is something that lots of families want for their children (this is something I want for my little one).

The rest of my thoughts aren't really clear on this issue. I am wading through what my response should be (since I've always wanted to run a preschool). I can't tell if this is the right time to start pursuing it again (I've been trying to return to school in this area since 2001- I have 21 hours that add up to nothing!). So, I'm thinking about it, looking into it and praying about it. We'll see what happens next.


Rob said...

Fort Collins has some great part time pre-schools. We put him in for a half day twice a week at $15 a half-day. This has been great for getting him away from mommy without the pandamonium. You usually can even just show up that day and they will get in. It is a christian based outfit called Harmony School.

Anonymous said...

We here in Oregon also have many part time pre-schools. Many are based in a neighborhood church. Most of the kids from Meghan's play group attend a pre-school that only meets a couple days a week and for a half a day. Some chose their pre-school for nearness to home, being able to walk to school and others for the program. The mom's in my play group are as you said, college educated stay at home moms. We are now looking at kindergartens and you think finding a pre-school is difficult. I don't like how our school district runs the kindergartn program. The kids are full days on either a Tuesday/Thursday schedule or a Wednesday/Friday one and alternating Mondays. Crazy! You have some time, talk with moms you meet at the park or at church or where ever to find different schools. The girls go to a "school" that was recommened by a wide range of people from moms at New Moms Monday to a manicurist.

Pilgrim said...

Thanks for your thoughts. A lot of my friends have been looking around and even the "mother's day outs" are expensive and require you to be in attendance on a regular basis. Good programs must be out there but we are still looking. I can't believe the rotating Monday schedule - that is crazy! I'll let you know if we find anything that seems reasonable.