Saturday, March 10, 2007

Homeschool Resources

As I look through the web I sometimes happen upon items that I might eventually use if we decide to homeschool. Today I found a VERY cool resource for teaching handwriting. Basically you can type out what you want your child to practice writing, print the page and then they trace what you have written. How cool is that! It's free too. So here is the link.

The other cool thing that they have are tons of different "write on" shapes (shamrocks, hearts, bears, etc.) that have lines on them so that you can write whatever you want to on them. You can make a book, a sign, a note, whatever. It just seems like another fun way to celebrate a holiday or decorate and encourage your child to write.

I am also a big fan of graphic organizers. These are basically pictures, graphs, mind maps, etc. that help you organize thoughts in ways that aren't just text. There are lots of websites that have graphic organizers, but this one is one of the best that I've seen. Again, they are free and a great way to help kids think through ideas, characters, stories, etc.

So these are some resources that I might use in the future. We'll see. Maybe some of you can use them now.

PS - Sometimes with the graphic organizers it will get to a point where it asks you to join. You can open quite a few before you get to that point though. Sorry I didn't realize this when I orignally posted. It also seems that some sheets have this request to join linked to them and others don't. Thanks for pointing this out Ski!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

THanks for the links espcially the graphic organizers. It is a good website for graphic organizers however you can only look at or print out 3 or 4 and then they want to join.