Thursday, March 22, 2007

Not so little anymore

It is hard to believe but we are already starting to put items away that our little one has outgrown. Right now I am running his carseat and bouncer cover through the wash before we store them away for the next baby. After learning that he is 29 1/2 inches at the doctor on Monday we decided that he should move out of his infant seat which is for babies up to 29 inches. He likes his new seat and on one of the first rides christened it by spitting up all over it. He doesn't fight being in this car seat as much as he did in the other car seat.

Since about Monday he has also done very well sitting up on his own for long periods of time (1o minutes plus) which means that he really doesn't need the bouncer anymore. He hasn't really been in it for the past month anyway.

They say that they grow up so fast and they really do. One of his friends who is only two weeks older is already crawling and trying to pull up on things. Our little guy seems to think rolling will suit him just fine for the time being. He does try to push up a little to crawl - but he ends up going backwards or rolling over in the process.

Last week when Grandma was here she said that she had never seen a baby so young so interested in his toys. He really does like to play with them. He will chew, twist and turn them for up to 10 or 15 minutes without interruption sometimes. I've heard that concentration is a good thing - let's hope so.

He is still enjoying eating with a spoon. He was quite taken aback when I used water instead of pumped milk to make his rice cereal. He looked at me strangely and kept making faces while he ate it. Today we tried the millet according to the Super Baby Food book. Well, I didn't quite prepare it correctly so it was rejected. I have figured out the error of my ways and hopefully he'll take it tomorrow. So there's a little update on our little one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Enjoy this time with your little guy, it is such a fun time. All their ages and stages are fun and full of different challenages however I really enjoyed this time before they are really moving and exploring EVERYTHING in the house.

I was introduced to Melalueca products and I have been using them around the house since. They are safe for little ones and enviromentally friendly. Here's the website for more information Let me know if you have any questions.